1954 Les Paul Conversion
Incredible score. It was found some years ago by Yuuki Mcclure in South Africa. Then was sent to Gord Miller in Canada who converted to 59 specs and refinished it. In the past was fitted an hagstrom tremolo bridge also. Holes were filled.. Completed with Vintage electronics and boutique repro parts. Pickguard was its 54 cut for hum buckers, a set of PAFs, original switch toggle and switch tip. Original tuners. It’s a great replica project!!
1960 ES 345

From Left to Right ’55 , ’58, ’57 hard tail, ’59, ’64 refin Fender Stratocaster

1970 Fender Stratocaster
early 70, still mother of toilet seat pickguard. 4 screws neck. Grey bottom early 70′.
A guitar that is very rock sounding. All original. Absolutely Hendrix Tone.
Frome Left to Right 1960 ES 330, 1965 SG, 1960 ES 345

2013 Gibson Les Paul Joe Perry Aged
2013 Perry aged, 3,9 kg resonant and rich of harmonics.
1957 Les Paul Junior

Gibson Collector's Choice Red Eye
Medium weight 4.2 kg great sounding one. Selected for the vintage Tone he has got.